Central Canada Barren Ground Caribou | Online Record Book Preview

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Central Canada Barren Ground Caribou - Species Detail

AKA: Gold: 375" Gold (Bow): 353 7/8"
Endangered: Silver: 338 6/8" Silver (Bow): 325 6/8"
Bronze: 300" Bronze (Bow): 270"
Central Canada Barren Ground Caribou

Rangifer tarandus groenlandicus

DESCRIPTION Smaller and paler than the Alaska-Yukon subspecies, with long, simple antlers.

BEHAVIOR Highly migratory. Named herds include the Baffin Island, Bathurst, Beverly, Bluenose, Coats Island, Kaminuriak, and Melville-Wager.


DISTRIBUTION  Northwest Territories and Nunavut: The mainland east of the Mackenzie River (north of Great Slave Lake) and east of the Slave River (south of Great Slave Lake), and also on King William, Southampton (introduced), Coats and Baffin islands.

Alberta: Northeastern corner east of the Slave River.

Saskatchewan and Manitoba: Far northern parts, where it intergrades with the woodland caribou over a large area.

Greenland: North of Nuuk.

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The Central Canada Barren Ground Caribou currently has 388 Entries listed in the SCI Record Book!

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