Collared Peccary | Online Record Book Preview

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Collared Peccary - Species Detail

AKA: Gold: 14 9/16" Gold (Bow): 12 14/16"
Endangered: Silver: 13 14/16" Silver (Bow): 0"
Bronze: 12" Bronze (Bow): 11"
Collared Peccary

Tayassu tajacu

Jabalí de collar (Sp), Halsbandpekari (G), Pecari à collier (F). Tayassu is of Indian origin, meaning "gnawer of roots." Tajacu is a native name in Brazil for this animal. "Peccary" is from the Tupi (Brazil) pecari for "an animal which makes many paths through the woods."

DESCRIPTION Shoulder height 17-20 inches (43-51 cm). Weight 35-55 pounds (16-25 kg). Both sexes are similar in size.

The smallest of the three species of peccary. Coloration is a grizzled dark gray with the legs almost black, and there is a whitish "collar" diagonally from shoulder to throat.

DISTRIBUTION Northern parts of South America (excluding the Andes mountains) as far south as northern Argentina.

Also found throughout Central America and Mexico, and as far north as Arizona, southern New Mexico and Texas in the U.S.

TAXONOMIC NOTES A number of subspecies are listed in South America, with only minor differences. We do not separate them.

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