SCI Online Record Book
Privacy Policy

This privacy policy communicates Safari Club International's ("SCI") practices regarding the collection and dissemination of personal information that can be linked to a specific individual, such as a name, address, phone number, email address, or any other information, provided to SCI by website users ('you" or "user"). By visiting and using SCI's website (the "Website"), you are accepting and agree to the terms in this Privacy Policy. This privacy policy will be updated periodically, so please reread it from time to time. If you do not agree with the terms in this Privacy Policy, please do not use the website or provide any information to us.

Authorized Users
The website is not directed to and is not intended for access and use by persons under the age of 18. We do not intentionally collect or use personal information from users that we have reason to believe are under the age of 18.

What Personal Information is Collected on the Website?
We do not use our website site to collect any personally identifiable information about you other than what you provide voluntarily. To participate in online reporting for the SCI Online Record Book, you need to create an account. SCI asks for personal information so that it can fulfill your request to be part of the Record Book and to provide the services you request. If you choose not to provide any personal information about yourself, you may not be able to participate in the Record Book. If you provide personal information, you agree to provide true and accurate information in connection with your registration and to promptly notify SCI of any changes in the registration information.

SCI receives and stores any information you enter on the Website or provide to SCI in any other way. This information is retained and used in accordance with existing laws, rules, regulations, and other policies. Generally, we use personally identifiable information to manage the website, communicate with you, to customize the content for individual visitors, and to provide information about products and services offered by SCI or by its sponsors or other authorized companies.

We do not disclose personal information to third parties except (1) for the purpose of communicating with you when it is necessary for completing the transactions you have authorized, including but not limited to providing such information to data processors or mailing services, (2) when it is necessary for employees, agents and contractors to operate or maintain the website or to correct a technical problem; (3) when it is necessary to verify the existence or condition of your account with a financial institution, credit bureau or other third-party; (4) with our affiliates, (5) with our business partners for research or marketing or (6) if we sell or merge the company or its assets with another company. We may collect and use usage information to develop new products or services or to provide special offerings to you.

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654 Richland Hills Dr., Suite 160
San Antonio, TX 78245
PH: (210) 985-HUNT
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